Thursday, 13 September 2012

Majrawi DEX GameFixer

To quote:
Hi , Here’s a trick to make it easier to fix DEX games.It means itstead of longing for 5-10 mins , it only takes 3secs or even less
you just have to download spicific game’s update and then drag and drop the update into my software ( Majrawi DEX GameFixer )
and here are the steps to do so :
1-Extracting update files
2-Making package.conf with ID + Package version
for example : BLUS30681 + 01.01
Content-ID = EP0001-BLUS30681_00-0000111122223333
K_licensee = 0×00000000000000000000000000000000
DRM_Type = Free
Content_Type = GameData
PackageType = DiscGamePatch
PackageVersion = 01.01
3-Making specific fixed package for DEX
All of these tasks only takes 3 secs to be done .
Enjoy the fun ^____^ reza_novin ( Majrawi )

NoRSX Emulator update

Well known PS3 developer @deroad has released an update of NoRSX, a 2D graphics library for PSL1GHT, and the NoRSX Emulator. For the full Changelog and the code visit the GitHub pages below.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

f*ckPSN 0.9

CA27.cer, dev_blind.pkg, fuckPsn-v0.9.exe from here
OpenPS3FTP v1.3 or later, you can download 1.5 from here


v0.9: Add support for 4.21 spoofing
v0.8: Re-add support for firmwares older than 3.55
v0.7: Add support for 4.11 spoofing
v0.6: Use an empty consoleid. Warning: be sure to get my 0.6 version
v0.5: Add support for firmwares older than 3.55
v0.4: Don’t use PS3DNS anymore


Install dev_blind.pkg and OpenPS3FTP on your PS3 (using FTP, external USB or what else)
Launch dev_blind and make it mount the flash
Open OpenPS3FTP
Connect via FTP to PS3 (using username root and password openbox)
Go to /dev_blind/data/cert
Rename CA27.cer to CA27.cer.bak
Put my CA27.cer as /dev_blind/data/cert/CA27.cer
Set the PS3′s PRIMARY and SECONDARY DNS server to your PC’s IP address
Reboot your PS3
Start fuckPsn-v0.9.exe
Enjoy with PSN

PS Multi Tools for Windows & OS X v5.5

This includes:

- Game Management
- Windows Tools
- Homebrews
- Emulators

Full Changelog for v5.5:

- NEW: PS2 now officially fully supported!
- NEW: Added 2 more PS3 Windows Tools (SCE Tool v0.2.8 & WinRAR)

- FIXED: Multi Tools -> Exit
- FIXED: DOStoPS3 should work now
- FIXED: Moving your mouse over the DownloadInfo Button (Mainform of PS3 Tools) will now show the right text
- FIXED: Moving your mouse over the CopyInfo Button (Mainform of PS3 Tools) will now show the right text

- UPDATED: Report submission improved.
- UPDATED: Files will not more automatically downloaded
- UPDATED: Some Packages got again an update. (It seems like some packages were not up-to-date?!)


Firmware 4.21 for Dex machines

File changes compared to 4.20
these files have changed since the previous version e.g. by new version string, bug/crash/exploit fixes, …Core OSemer_init.selflv0lv1.selflv2_kernel.selfdev_flash


Well we are now in the month of September, after having a blast of ‘scene’ fire during August, so what better way to start off the new month, by releasing another great ‘little utility’ for all those that converted their PS3 consoles over to DEX mode.
This one is from scene developer ‘andbey0nd’ along with help from aldostools, and makes DEX machines even more useful as you can now use PS3 Generator without the need of setting up all the those weird confusing options, so even noobies now can transfer games like ‘Sleeping Dogs’ over to your USB HDD that has been re-formatted for DEX-only usage.
Here is the ‘readme’ from the little utility called genGP3:
Usage: genGP3.exe GAME_FOLDER [output.gp3]
Drag and drop your game PS3_GAME folder to genGP3.exe
Use command prompt or drag & drop a PS3 game folder to genGP3.exe
It will create a .gp3 XML project file for PS3 Generator Tools
Use Generator tools to create a MasterDisc or BDEMU image (iso/emu)
Here is example output of the app when PS3_GAME folder of ‘Sleeping Dogs’ was drag&dropped to ‘genPS3.exe’:
Gathering data for [BLES01661 - Sleeping Dogs]…
Project data size: 7.2 GB
Please wait…
Project written to: H:GAMESBLES01661-[Sleeping Dogs]BLES01661.gp3
In most cases, it only takes about 1 to 2 seconds to complete the operation, you then use this file in ‘PS3 Generator’.
Remember still only newer games which have ‘retail updates’ on the Sony servers can be played on DEX, this tool just makes using PS3 Generator easier. — Enjoy

(Tip from aldostools) thanks to 


1. Extract the rar to C:genGP3 (it should be that path!!!)
2. Create a new text file with the following content and save it as “Associate genGP3 to Folders.reg”

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTDirectoryshellGenerate PS3Gen Project...]

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTDirectoryshellGenerate PS3Gen Project...command]
@=”"C:genGP3genGP3.exe” “%1″”

3. Double click on “Associate genGP3 to Folders.reg”

Now you will be able to create the .gp3 file in 1 second just right-clicking on the PS3_GAME folder

To remove the association, create a text file with the following content and save it as “Associate genGP3.reg” and double click on it.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTDirectoryshellGenerate PS3Gen Project...]

Update : V2 released
01.00 – Initial Release
02.00 – Support for PS3_EXTRA (new format), support for Extra Content (Themes, Packages and Videos in PS3_EXTRA)
Now it is possible to create scripts which otherwise would take over 30 mins to create when PS3_EXTRA folder is present with up to 1000 content folders for themes, videos and packages. 02.00 adds support for games like “Journey – Collector’s Edition”

[Download] : Click 

multiMAN ver 04.05.00 DEX

What’s included:
* multiMAN ver 04.05.00 DEX (20120827).pkg
- Stereo Player (DEX)
- Web Browser + FTP (DEX)
- Showtime for multiMAN (DEX)
! There is no need to install/uninstall previous versions of multiMAN – this is a DEX BASE package
* Added support for PSVita Remote Play: PS Vita: MPEG-4 (852×480) (Reset TV Overscan in Settings to “None”)
* Stereo Player can play SBS/TB movies in DivX/XviD movies in .avi3d format on DEX
* Standalone browser + FTP work on DEX and returns properly to mM
* mM restart function works
* Showtime for multiMAN works on DEX (can’t return to multiMAN yet)
* Showtime Standalone (in TV/Video) column works from XMB on DEX
* RetroArch cores/emulators work fine
* Separate online update for DEX multiMAN version is now supported
* Default game backup folder on DEX 03.60-04.20 is changed to:
—–> /dev_hdd0/game/BLES80608/USRDIR/GAMES
! For better folder access permissions: Use 3.55CFW to create folders under /dev_hdd0
Showtime ver 03.99.041 (Standalone).pkg
- This is the official CEX/CFW version
- You have to install it on DEX PS3 BEFORE starting multiMAN for the first time
What to do:
1) Install [Showtime ver 03.99.041 (Standalone).pkg]
2) Install [multiMAN ver 04.05.00 DEX (20120827).pkg]
3) Start multiMAN from XMB so it can update your Showtime to DEX compatible version
4) You can now use mM’s Showtime or the standalone Showtime from XMB (TV/Video) on DEX FW

Superfurrys Google Poodle V1.3

Hello everyone, its been a long time since i updated this and had a few requests to so here is a massive update , if you dont already know what this does let me tell you . It uses intellegent Google searches a server requests to find anything to want basically, among other things
Search for :
File Types:
Shopping items
VB Script
PS3 Files:
PUP files
PKG files (this could also work for linux packages to)
Elf PS2/PS3 files
Self files
P3T Theme files
Game Patches/EBOOTS (Very early version)
Video :
Flash files/games etc
Custom Search:
Search for certain files with any extension(beta)
Custom site search , search inside certain site
Brand new rom user interface: Download roms Nes, Snes , Amiga ,Genesis, GBA , N64, MAME , Spectrum  , Gameboy , Mastersytem , more to come here
New Toolbar:
Launch Usefull External tools and clear crap
Ebuddy messenger and Facebook(Maybe wont stay)
Themes (not so great yet but will improve)
Download PS3 Themes ( Massive List 300+)
Link to 3.60 Fixed Eboots and usefull files
More to be added soon , so please give me some feedback of anything you would like added or shouldnt be there . Enjoy 
MD5: 45A3C714311DF1E260287CF204B0D0EB "

RetroArch 0.9.7 Official

PS3 Changes Since the 0.9.6 Official Release.
  • Added Core: Mednafen_Wswan
    —Bandai WonderSwan
    —Bandai WonderSwan Color
  • Added Core: Mednafen_PCE_fast
    —Turbo GrafX 16 / PC-Engine
    —Turbo GrafX CD / PC-Engine CD
    —Super GrafX
  • Core Updated: Genesis_plus_gx version 1.7.0
    — Sega CD Support Added
  • Added: multiMAN compatibility to all libretro cores
  • Improved stability / error trapping
  • ZIP extract modes expanded – it can extract the contents of a ZIP file to the current directory, and/or extract to current dir and immediately load the first ROM/game file.
  • Improved GUI
  • Various changes under the hood to many to mention.
[Download for 3.55 CFW] =  RetroArch 0.9.7 Official
[Download for DEX 3.41 OFW]:  RetroArch 0.9.7 Official

PS3 Cheats Editor 1.1

The application allows users to inject their own code into the PS3UserCheat database (st.dat) and runs flawlessly in conjunction with the cracked PS3UserCheat PKG released by oct0xor.


04.05.00 -
Added support for ZIP files (4GB ZIP filesize limit)
Added support for extracting ZIP files in mmOS (unzip supports subfolders, too); User can enter the target folder name to extract the zip in.
— Unzip in the same folder: ([O]->Unzip Here)
— Unzip in a different folder: ([O]->Copy -> (go to a different folder) -> [O]->Unzip Here)
— Double-click a .zip file – extracts archive to TEMP location and opens target folder
—— TIP: To extract into current folder enter single dot . for folder name;
Added support for installable ZIP packages when filename is in special format (double click on such special zip in mmOS):
— will prompt the user to install the contents in /dev_hdd0/GAMES/BLES12345/dlc folder
— -> will make mM enable WRITE access to dev_flash and install the contents of the .zip in /dev_blind/test (/dev_flash/test) folder (use with caution)
—— TIP#1: Special ZIP naming convention: prefix is “PS3″, “/” is replaced by “~”
—— TIP#2: This approach can be used to restore backups of /dev_hdd0/home or install patch-fixes or other data
Added support for RetroArch 0.9.7 new cores – launching retro ROMs from “Retro” column
Added support for launching retro ROMs in ZIP format from local or network locations (/dev_hdd0, /dev_usb***, /net_host*)
Added support for new emulator cores:
— Mednafen’s PCE for PS3 (pce)
— Mednafen’s WonderSwan Color for PS3 (wsw)
— PRBOOM for PS3 (prb) (plays Doom, Doom II, Final Doom and other Doom IWAD mods)
— Gambatte
Added new options in “options.ini” to define paths to new cores, roms and covers (pce, wsw, prb folders in ./ROMS and ./covers_retro)
The the following improvements are for those using the Cobra-USB dongle:
Added support for PIC1.PNG background images for local (internal HDD and external USB HDD) PS3 games in ISO format
Added support for coverart for local PS3 games in ISO format
Added support for game icons (ICON0.PNG) to mmOS Desktop shortcuts for local PS3 games in ISO format
Fixed sort order of Game column when only PS3 games in ISO format are listed
Fixed issue with Retro column (when detaching USB HDD while scanning for ROMs)

Freeloader v.02

Freeloader is an app for windows that has a database full of the latest 3.60 Eboots to be easily downloadable.

What’s new in V.02?
Spiffy Gui
PS ID’s added
Regions Added
Descriptions Added
(Bugfix) Corrected how it grabbed the database
–A new database layout. (Lots of new titles added)