Saturday, 28 July 2012

Exclusive! Tutorial : Convert CEX ke DEX Fast Method! (GUIDE FOR NOR CONSOLE)

....:::::: CEX TO DEX TOOLS ::::::....

- Red Ribbon Linux =
*Burn iso kat cd atau guna USB flash drive

- Petitboot tools (extract ke USB flash drive)=
*PKG yang perlu install kat PS3 cuma "dump_flash.pkg","setup_flash_for_otheros.pkg","install_otheros.pkg","boot_otheros.pkg","reboot.pkg" segala vflash pkg tak perlu install.
*semua PKG tools akan ada bunyi bip bila run

- CFW OtherOS++ with SS patch =
*Data dalam PS3 akan hilang masa untuk install CFW ni. Aku suggest install 1/8 HDD reservered.

- CEX2DEX apps =

                            ....:::::: PUP FILES ::::::....

- 4.20 DEX =

- 4.20 DEX Downgrader =

- DEX to CEX Switcher PUP's =

- Rogero DEX 3.55 =

- 1st p&p 3.55 dex (Tapi aku suggest guna rogero je )=

Download tutorial in pdf =


Chapter 1 - Install Petitboot

1. Install CFW OtherOS++

2. Masuk recovery mode dan pilih "Restore PS3 System"

3. Run "setup_flash_for_otheros.pkg"

4. Reboot PS3 (power off PS3 then power on)

5. Pastikan "dtbImage.ps3.bin" ada dalam USB flash drive,run "install_otheros.pkg"

6. Run "reboot.pkg"

7. PS3 akan boot petitboot sekarang

*sambung keyboard n mouse kat PS3.
*semua command perlu hit "Enter"

8. Pilih "Exit to shell"

9. Pastikan fail "" dalam USB flash drive. Connect USB flash drive ke PS3

10.Taip "cd /tmp/petitboot/mnt/"

11. Taip : "ls"

12. Cek kalau USB flash drive signed dengan "sda1" atau "sde1" etc etc... Biasanya "sda1"

13. Taip : "cd /tmp/petitboot/mnt/sda1/"

14. Taip : "./"

15. Reboot PS3 (hold power button until off,power on PS3)

Chapter 2 - Install Red Ribbon Linux

16. Masukkan Red Ribbon linux cd (boleh guna USB flash drive)

17. Run "reboot.pkg"

18. Sekarang dalam petitboot. Pilih option untuk install Red Ribbon Linux (dengan OtherOS++,bukan Asbestos)

19. Untuk "username;password", guna "ps3;ps3"

20. Selesai install,reboot PS3.

Chapter 3 - Dump flash PS3/Dump PS3 BIOS

21. Connect USB flash drive ke PS3

22. Run "dump_flash.pkg" (black skrin kat tv,tunggu beberape minit akan ade 3 bip,return ke XMB)

23. Cabut USB flash drive dr PS3 then connect kat PC

24. Launch Flowrebuilder , pilih "EXTRACT a Byte reversed NOR dump or an interleaved and unscrambled NAND dump." Untuk input masukkan flash.bin dr USB flash drive.

25. Masuk ke output folder,masuk ke folder "asecure_loader"

26. Copy "Metldr" n paste ke folder "metldrpwn" yg dah extract ke root USB flash drive. (x:\metldrpwn)

Chapter 4 - Metldrpwn/dumping EID Key

27. Connect USB flash drive td ke PS3.

28. Launch Red Ribbon Linux

29. Copy and paste folder "metldrpwn" dr USB flash drive ke : /home/ps3

30. Bukak terminal, taip : "cd metldrpwn"

31. Taip "sudo chmod +x ./"

32. Taip "sudo ./"

32. Copy "dump_eid0.bin" ke USB flash drive

Chapter 5 - Convert CEX ke DEX

33. Buka file "dump_eid0.bin" dengan HxD Hex Editor

34. Highlight dan copy 3 line pertama :

35. Create file baru dan paste 3 line td. Screenshot :

36. Save as "dump" . takde extension.

37. Launch CEX2DEX apps. Untuk input : "flash.bin" dari dump_flash.pkg. Make sure (16mb). Untuk metldr input : "dump" yang created dr HxD apps td. Klik "CEX -> DEX". Save output as "DEX.bin"

38. Copy "DEX.bin" ke root USB flash drive.

Chapter 6 - Flashing DEX dump

39. Boot PS3. Masuk ke petitboot (run "reboot.pkg")

40. Exit to shell.

41. Taip "cd /tmp/petitboot/mnt/sda1/"

42. Taip "dd if=DEX.bin of=/dev/ps3nflasha bs=1024" . Ambil masa dalam 5-8 minit

43. Reboot PS3

44. Install 3.55 DEX PUP via XMB/Recovery Mode.

Enjoy DEX machine !

************************ NOTES #1 ***********************

Untuk step 44, boleh guna Rogero 3.55 DEX with P&P (Act mcm normal CFW,boleh main backup games kat DEX 3.55 :) )

Here's a DEX 3.55 CFW with both Peek/Poke and Downgrader features built-in:
- it can be used as a normal 3.55DEX FW during the CEX to DEX conversion.
- it can be used as a 3.55DEX CFW that can run Backups.
- it can be used for Downgrading back to 3.55DEX from 3.55+ DEX FW versions.
MD5: 81e0c358411d75491a11f5b9386dc174
No more need to use 2 different 3.55-DEX PUPs.

************************ NOTES #2 ***********************

In case kalau korang tak phm Chapter 5 - Convert CEX ke DEX , just send kat aku original dump (16mb) dengan eid0.bin (256kb)

************************ NOTES #3 ***********************

Untuk revert ke CEX :

Download DEX to CEX Switcher PUP's . Ade 2 PUP. PUP yg 1st untuk DEX 3.55.purpose,untuk convert ke CEX blk. PUP ke2 utk CEX 3.55 untuk convert ke DEX
*Cuma install kat firmware 3.55 DEX/CEX sahaja

Untuk downgrade 4.20 DEX ke 3.55 DEX :

Download 4.20 DEX Downgrader .Install downgrader ni sekali je.Then install 3.55 DEX

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