Saturday, 28 July 2012

Tutorial : Transfering PS3 game

Ade 2 cara :

-PC to external HDD
-FTP PC to PS3 (or vice versa)


1st method - PC to external HDD 
Sebelum transfer ke ext hdd,make sure dah format ext tu ke fat32.kalau format pakai windows rasanya tak boleh since windows 7 dah takde format fat32 (cume ade exfat and ntfs) . dicadangkan guna ‘easeus partition manager’

Dah siap format ,buat 1 folder 'GAMES' kat root external hdd.then baru la transfer folder game kat dlm tu. contoh 'x:/GAMES/BLES10021'

Sebelum transfer,perlu diigtkan ade file2 dlm games tu yg >4gb as well fat32 tak support file transfer > tak semua game ade file >4gb.depend kat game la. search 'ps3splitter' kat,install mcm biasa. bila dah launch,klik execute.pilih folder game td 'BLES10021'.ia akan automatik detect file >4gb n split file tu.prompt akan keluar bile dah siap split.

Baru la boleh connect ke ps3.connect,bukak multiman n refresh.list game akan keluar


2nd method - FTP PC to PS3 (or vice versa) 

Download multiman latest untuk ps3 dgn ftp client untuk pc.btw multiman version latest support ftp transfer

Multiman 4.02.00 base -

Filezilla client -

Bila dah siap download,install filezilla kat pc mcm biase.install multiman (kalau belom ade multiman latest) kat ps3

-disconnect ps3 dari sebarang networking device

-plug ethernet cable ke ps3 ke pc,directly

-kat ps3,g ke internet setup,pilih wired connection lepastu ikot di bawah ni for the IP address for the subnet mask for the default gateway for the DNS

-then kat pc,g kat local area connection n ipv4.pilih properties n tukar ip kepada static.input : for the IP address for the subnet mask for the default gateway for the DNS

-launch multiman (make sure enable ftp in multiman setting)

-untuk filezilla punya configuration : as the connection
Port 21
password - boleh letak apa2
username - FTPD12345

-klik connect



Upload game ke int HDD PS3 (direct transfer)

-kat tab filezilla sebelah kiri,cari folder game untuk di-upload ke ps3.contoh 'c:\BLES10021'

-untuk ps3 tab di sebelah kanan (filezilla) pastikan korang bukak path '/dev_hdd0/game/GAMES'

-right klik pada game folder dalam pc ('c:\BLES10021'), pilih upload

-bile dah siap,refresh game list


  1. bro penjelasannya kurang bener gan ane jadi bingung

  2. ps3 splitter needs framework to be installed, in other hand framework needs visual studio to be run.. oh so complicated, can you help me ?
